Saturday, February 7, 2009

Bye Bye Berean

To My Berean Family:

As this chapter in our lives comes to an end and we prepare to begin a new one, I want you to know how much you mean to me. I think to a certain extent we all like to believe that what we do matters, that somehow at the end of the day our existence makes a difference. This has definitely been true of each one of you, you have greatly impacted my life. Anytime a chapter ends it is important that we look back and (hopefully) see that we've learned and grown, I know I have. I also know that you have all been a part of it, I know I am a better, stronger person for knowing you. No matter what I may have been going through in my life outside of work, you guys have always been a soft place to land...and as a plus you always make me laugh and smile. Thanks for that.

I believe that it is very rare for people to come across so many amazing individuals at one place and time. I consider myself to be extremely blessed to have crossed paths with each of you. I think that Berean couldn't end our store on a higher note...we seriously have the most amazing team! As sad as it is that the store has closed down, I have to admit I'm somewhat relieved that it happened the way that it did. I think in the weeks leading up to the announcement of the store's fate a lot of us were starting to feel the itch that it was time to move on. Had the store stayed open, our team would have slowly broken apart...this way, we got to have one last "adventure" together; and wow have the last 2 months been exactly that!

I honestly don't think I was prepared for the last couple of days, I kept thinking that saying goodbye would be easy. And while it was SO easy to say goodbye to those last customers as they asked "is this on sale?", "can you tell me the price?", "why are you closing?", "where are you moving?", "do you have another job lined up?" etc. it was a whole other thing entirely to say goodbye to you guys. I know that we will see each other and still get together and there's still a lot of fun to be had with each other, but something's different. There is a whole chunk of hours in my week that I have spent with you...and now...some weeks there will be zero hours. When I really stop to think about it...its a pretty big deal. But with the friendships and bonds that we share I'm not worried about losing you...but...I
will miss seeing you everyday. So, as we journey into the changes that lie ahead of us, please know this - it has been an honor and privilege to work alongside you, to get to know you, to laugh with you, to form lasting friendships with you. Please know that I love each of you with all of my heart. I will miss seeing you everyday, but I look forward to the good times we will have. I pray that you each find true happiness in whatever is ahead... ...but first a look back at some good times.. ps you need to pause the music on the right side before you start the video ;)

Berean Store #11 - Memories from Leslie Lopez on Vimeo.


J said...

Hi my name is J and I'm from Northern cali. feel free to stop by mt blog and leave me comments!:)

what is berean? anyway, this post here really took me back! It reminds me of my days working at Sears! lol. It was a terrible job, we all hated it. The pay was kibbles, the hours were terrible and the managers were all condescending pricks. But it wasn't about the pay rate or the management or even the job itself, it was about the people. It was a family that we had going there. Most of the people were wonderful. We all suffered through the job together and coincidentally that made it so we trusted e/o to suffer through life together. I don't want to write a book on your page so suffice it to say that I met people that I will love for the rest of my life there, at that store. Thanks for the trip down memory lane! :)