Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Got 'Churched'?

Well, if you don't, you definitely need to go out and get yourself a copy of 'Churched'. I am still discovering my love for reading and have never even attempted a book review, but I loved this book so much I'm going to give it a shot. I finished this book in two sittings! I couldn't put it down. Finishing a book that quickly truly is a testament to how amazing it was. It had my attention from start to finish. About a year ago I picked up my first Matthew Paul Turner book and was very impressed with his writing. He is an impeccable storyteller and has some pretty crazy stories to tell! In 'Churched', his latest release, he sort of catalogues his search for a real encounter with God in the midst of his super religious Fundamental Baptist upbringing. On some levels, not nearly as extreme, his stories resonated with me because of the church that I grew up in. I briefly came in contact with some of the outrageous actions performed in the name of religion. The fact that Matthew Turner ended up functional and still searching to know God deeper truly is a miracle! There are some hilarious stories of the insanity he witnessed, dating back to when he was only four years old, which I think is so sad. Ha ha.

By far the ending had to be the best part for me though, I finished the book with an overwhelming sense of hope, that maybe all was not lost. After seeing many ugly demonstrations of religion in church, it is hard not to be so far gone that you want to stop going all together. This is a place I have found myself in several times over the past couple of years. It is so reassuring that there are people out there who still decide to give church a chance time and time matter how many horrible things you witness...and to my knowledge Matthew Turner takes the cake as far as amounts of craziness witnessed!

If you're someone who has experienced the crazy acts performed in the name of religion (sometimes the name of God too) AND can have a sense of humor about it this book is sooo for you! You'll laugh a lot, but end up knowing that you're not alone in the disillusionment you feel. There is a healthy church life to be had after religious insanity!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Letter to My Fellow "Church-ians"- Part I

In recent weeks, I have had numerous conversations on various topics regarding church. I have found that my responses and/or ideas seem to be somewhat offensive or disheartening to the people I have spoken with. So I decided to sit and collect my thoughts on this topic in response to some of these "offensive" conversations. As I began to organize these thoughts, I found that they were much more extensive than even I thought. I decided to make this a series of posts so it's not too long. This is the first of what will be a few posts over the coming days/weeks.


- I am no authority on church. I will never claim to be one; however, it has been where I have grown up and made some of the most defining observations and realizations of my life.

- I fully understand that to some, I have an alleged attitude of indifference towards church...this is not true. In fact, I believe that connection to a church body is extremely important to our spiritual health and well-being.

- I am not pointing fingers. I use the word "we" because these are things that I feel I am guilty of as well, being a part of a church body myself.

- Please bear with me and stay open minded...this is not a church-bashing rant.

- Lastly, in these posts I refer collectively to all of my church-going experiences; Not any one church specifically.

Having said that, my issue is with how much the “church” has over complicated and lost sight of its original purpose. In the New Testament when Christianity was under immense scrutiny and persecution, the body of Christ (or “church”) was a safe haven for victims of this persecution. I feel like in our attempt to separate ourselves from the “world,” we have gone off balance. We have not only alienated the world so that we can’t reach them, but we have also alienated one another. My heart is so grieved when I sit in church on a Sunday morning and not only feel lost myself, but look around and see a whole room full of lost people…ironic huh? Now, it is my belief that somewhere we lost the essence of our identity as a body and that is what bothers me. That’s not to say that I’m one of those bitter church-kids (though there is grace for them too) that has jumped on that “Christianity is the new face of consumerism with its made to order mega church and superstar pastors blah, blah, blah.” I just feel like as a whole, our humanity has blinded us to the point of making church about us, rather than God and His desires. Consider this: What kind of crazy idea would it be, to return to and follow the blueprint that the originator of Christianity laid out?
I believe that at the core of His ministry, Jesus just talked to people. Sometimes he taught in a teacher-student kind of way. And others, he sat around a table eating and discussing things, in a more informal family-get-together kind of way. Now, I am no Theologian or Bible scholar, but what I believe made Jesus so effective (other than the obvious; being the Son of God thing) was the way in which he spoke. I imagine him to been very articulate, but not in an irritating, know-it-all way (even though He does know it all). I imagine him to have explained things in a way that both the oldest, wisest person could understand, as well as a little child. I think where we have missed the point a little is in the way we talk about spirituality and Christianity. I am not naïve enough to think that these topics are unimportant and should be ignored, but I feel that we over-spiritualize the core, simplistic foundation of our beliefs. We strive so hard to understand the inner workings of God, so we read massive books and take classes (which I’m not saying are bad) all the while “forgetting” that we are in an eternal relationship with the One who wrote the book from start to finish; the same one who wrote each of our individual books. The Creator of the universe and everything in it. We have this indescribable relationship with this amazing being, yet we still refer to man to figure Him out. In our attempt to have this “look to man” approach toward relationship with God we have lost sight of the fact that for some people, we are the only light they will see…so shouldn’t they be able to see Him in us? Especially if that is the only glimpse they will see. So hypothetically, say they see Him in us and then we proceed to invite them to “church”…that could sometimes be the worst possible thing we could do! Ha-ha. Have you ever been in a church for the first time and felt like you were in a room full of people that needed to be institutionalized? Yes, I know, that is an exaggeration, but sometimes not that far off. For someone on the “outside” coming into a church for the first time can be kinda scary. We’re full of strong opinions. Opinions about who one should vote for, what book we should read, what translation of the Bible to read, how you should feel about particular social issues, etc. All the while we are not really introducing them to true insight of who God is. So often church has been used as a platform to impose one’s opinions and that is why people are so turned off by it. People are searching and we should be the place where they overwhelmingly find God’s love and grace.

For now, that’s where I'll stop. Food for thought: If you were the only glimpse of God’s love and grace to someone that was desperately searching for it, how well would you represent? From your experience, what would you change about the church’s approach, and how does that relate to you? What small part can you play in making it happen?

Thursday, October 9, 2008

It's Joshua!!!

So as promised here is a Joshua update: Here are some pictures of the things he likes to do right now...

He has recently learned and become a fan of sticking his tongue out. Not maliciously or anything, he just simply finds enjoyment in the fact that he can.
Another recent discovery is his feet and how to get them up and into his mouth. (He is also teething which is why this ability is so tooth yet, but soon)
Earlier this week, after being brought to my bed in the morning, waking me up his attention was very drawn to this care bear I've had for years. So, being the great auntie that I am, I gave it to him. :)
Poor care bear though, I didn't know this was what would become of it...did I mention he's teething ha ha
Mostly though, he is the healthiest, happiest baby I have ever known! In this picture however he was staring off at who knows what feeling very happy. How could he not be happy at the sight of anything though? He doesn't know that the economy is falling to pieces, or that a presidential election is upon us...all he knows is that no matter what time of day...he is loved beyond belief.

So go ahead, be amazed at how handsome he is. Watch out though, he steals hearts with that smile. Maybe not the care bear, but he doesn't have a heart anyway ha ha. So, that's Joshua, almost 5 months, with a personality and passion for everything that is bigger than his body :) he can hardly contain his excitement for life sometimes. I just love him. Hope you enjoy the pictures and I hope they give you that warm, fuzzy feeling in your heart...or at least just make you smile. The end.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Biologically speaking, I only have one brother, but God in His extravagant love has expanded my family with people that I believe could have been born into my family. They fit in as though there was a piece missing that you never knew was missing. In my life there have been several of these people. Today, I would like to highlight my "brother" and "sister" Harvey and Elaine. I know some of you may not know who they are and some of you do. Either way, I would like to tell you a little bit about them. I can't even tell you when exactly I met them, but we "fit" together right away. I do know that I met Harvey first and almost instantly he was like a brother. He has always been there for me in anything that I've needed. It was him who brought Elaine into my life. After some time had passed, they saved each other from, well, themselves. Harvey and Elaine were married on June 15th 2002. But that day found a day of equal and new kinds of joy three years later on September 19th 2005 when their daughter Eliana Mackenzie was born. From day one Eliana was one of the most beautiful little girls I have ever seen. She has always had such a peace about her and an incredibly sweet spirit. Months passed and Ellie began to grow into her larger than life personality, a perfect combination of her mom and dad. I believe it was around five months or so that Ellie had a corrective surgery in her eyes. One of them had a weak muscle and wasn't as strong as the other. Doctors suspected that this was going to speed up her development, that in the previous months had been delayed due to her vision problem. As the weeks went by there was some improvement, but other differences were found. It has been a long journey of late night ER visits, tons of Dr. appointments, countless tests, hospital time and several therapy sessions a week and still the doctors can give no certain diagnosis as to her weak muscles. Harvey and Elaine continue to fight toward recovery for Ellie. They do it with such grace and strength still loving her more everyday. They are two heroes in this story, two heroes that get tired but never give up. They get discouraged, but don't give up. They get overwhelmed, but never give up. They feel sadness, but don't give up. They have good days and bad days, but never give up. They battle with hopelessness, but NEVER give up. God has given them strength that I have never seen before. I want to tell you about, what I believe is the biggest contributor to the strength they the one and only Eliana Mackenzie Turell:

Dear Ellie,

I know somtimes you get tired of all the therapy and hard work. But I also know that since the day you were born, you were born a fighter. In your parents lives before you there were obstacles facing them but they never backed down, they're fighters too. I see in your eyes that there are things you wanna get up and do, I see the frustration when you can't always do them. I have also seen your determination and persistence to learn to do the things that you strive to do. That is a quality that you must value. It will always take you far. Your life so far mirrors this. I don't know if I've ever told you this but Ellie, you're an inspiration to me. Sometimes I want to give up on the little things in life that get me down, but you don't give up, so I know that I can't. Your smile has always brought warmth to my heart and I know it does the same for your mommy and daddy because I've seen it. You are so blessed to have them as your parents, with them I know you're going to get through anything life throws at you. And I have seen you do the same thing for them. They're blessed to have you too. You are so amazing. I really believe that God was showing off when you were designed. Not only are you beautiful, but you have a huge heart. You are just one incredible little one. There are many more milestones for you to accomplish that will continue to blow the minds of your doctors and therapists and I'm here to cheer you on as you do. I love you.

Keep on inspiring. Love, Auntie Leslie.

Harvey and Elaine you're both doing an amazing job with Ellie. I am so proud that we are family. I just wanted to share this that was on my heart for you. I love you both so much.

So this is some of my family. These are some of the hall of famers in my life. As you remember, please throw out a prayer for continued strength for Harvey, Elaine and Ellie. I know more good updates on Ellie's recovery are on the way. I will definitely keep you all posted.

Hope you all had a good weekend.