Friday, May 22, 2009

Excuse Me While I Rant...

Okay, so you know how it feels when a team you're on has a team member that makes a mistake? Let me elaborate...not just a little mistake, but a stupid one. The kind of mess up that makes you put your head in your hands and want to cut all ties with this team so that you aren't guilty by association. I've never been much for team sports, I don't have a competitive bone in my body, but I am familiar with the kind of feeling I just described.

The worst part (other than my lack of hand eye coordination preventing me from succeeding at any sport) is that this "team" of which I speak is my, it pains me to say, "fellow Christians." Ouch.

So, to many this may seem trivial but I feel that it is rant-worthy. Earlier this week Season 8 contestant, Kris Allen was named this year's American Idol (Yay Kris!!! I voted for him.) and with it came a lot of talk from, well most people analyzing his win. It was unexpected to most and is being called an "upset" by some. Anyway, the reason for my rant is that Kris (a Christian worship leader) was portrayed as the "good one" vs. Adam the apparent "bad one". People have a need to judge and categorize and I get that, and it is a competition that people are supposed to judge which I also get, but what upset me is all the people speaking from the "christian" community. Many of them are happy that Kris won simply because of their disagreement with Adam's lifestyle choices. And many are happy with his win because they are hoping that once American Idol has their one record with Kris, that he will return to his "roots" and release a Christian album.

My response to those that support Kris out of their lack of support for Adam is: Why even watch the show? Hello, its the entertainment industry, not exactly the place you want to go if you don't like being offended by lifestyle choices. I'm sure there are plenty of people just walking down the street that you can judge way too harshly. Forget the fact that even though we may disagree with the choices of some, we are still supposed to love them back to the heart of God. And let's face it, a lot of the people judging Adam so harshly, probably aren't even watching the show regularly, but just need their judgment fix where they pretend to play God. Sorry, but this is taking the idea of being "Christ-like" waaay out of context.

Secondly, my response to those that want Kris to release a Christian album: Why is it that you can't just embrace the idea that he could more effectively reach people in the (I hate this word, but) secular market where they most need to be reached? Why should he put out music to saved people when he could quite possibly "save" more people by being a good example of how you can be a Christian and release music that uplifts people and covertly leads them to God's heart. If Kris has a personal relationship with God then no matter what words he sings, God can flow through him to touch people. I think that's part of why Kris has been so great at connecting with people. (And let's face it, if Adam had a personal relationship with God, the same principal would apply) There is something about him that, I feel, brings hope to people...hmm what is it in him that could bring hope to the hopeless?

Anyway, it is my belief that Kris is exactly where he is supposed to be and I hope he keeps on doing what he's led to do. He could potentially impact a lot of people by the light that shines through him. Someone has to successfully convey the truth of God's love. None of this judgmental, let's have the Christians only make music for other Christians stuff... we need to broaden our minds and start to believe that God is everywhere, is in everything, and will reach people with his love however he sees fit and if He needs to he will do it without our help. And He will do it through whoever is willing. Regardless of whether or not we think its appropriate.

Like I said, I just needed to rant. I sometimes strongly dislike my affiliation with Christianity as a whole. I know that I am NOT perfect, in fact, no where near it, but I feel that we are in a time where the pettiness needs to stop and we just need to reach people in all walks of life, through any avenue we can.

So, congrats to Kris.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

My 3 Favorite Songs...

Right now, at least. (They are in no particular order)

1.) Jails and Bombs - Amos Lee
2.) Never the Same - Gavin DeGraw
3.) Be Somebody - Kings of Leon

[the first and third I have to thank my brother for :) he introduced me to them...Thanks Fry!]

Hope you're all having a great week!