For your viewing pleasure, here are some pictures I took of Joshua last week when he turned 9 months. He's a pretty hilarious kid. Keeps me laughing. Anyway, not much needs to be said, the pictures speak volumes. Enjoy!

Lately, Joshua has discovered that he loves books.
He particularly likes this one with the flaps.
He just discovered how to look for the flaps himself. :)

I love to watch his little, chubby hands open the books and turn the pages.
And yes, his current reading is "Dirt is Delightful"

He hasn't quite figured out the crawling forward thing,
but is pretty good at going backward.

Anytime I forget to take the red-eye light off...this face happens.
I love it!

This is one of his many excited faces. Can you see his 2 bottom teeth? :)

He seriously is just cute all the time!
(Yes, I do realize I am totally biased)

Really can't say anything about this one.
This is Joshua with a face that says
"Hey! Have a good day!" :)
Hope you all are well and having a good week.
those were great! haha! little kids always put a smile on my face.
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