Thursday, January 21, 2010

Voice Lessons

First off, let me apologize for deceiving you with the title of this post. I have not discovered my hidden talent for singing and enrolled in actual voice lessons. Sorry to disappoint some of you. ;)

Instead I want to share with you a little about where my recent life journey has taken me. There are plenty of mundane details I can share with you but I think I will just sum it all up by saying that life for me, like so many of you, has felt like it is more than I can handle. I have to admit, that I have not handled it in the best way…a lot of the time I have felt so ill-equipped to cope with my life’s circumstances that I tried to stop feeling things with the hope that I would stop experiencing them. Not a healthy coping mechanism, I know, but it was the only way I felt I could survive. I have recently learned that this is not the truth. Well, in the midst of all of this I could not bring myself to blog. In my perpetual state of pity partying I felt I had nothing positive or uplifting to write about.

Day by day, step by step, I am returning to my creativity...and to my writing.

Looking at everything I have been going through and feeling the last few months I would say now, that I simply lost my voice. Well, maybe I didn’t lose it, I just stopped listening to that voice inside…I’m not entirely sure. All I know is that I felt sick, unable to speak, the voice of my soul silenced, my mouth moving but no sound coming out. But, enough is enough. Little by little my “voice” has been coming back. I am reminded that I have something to say; the story of my life being written, the canvas of my life still lacking so many colors. I’m not voiceless, I’m not finished.

And neither are you.

I don’t know what you may be facing in your life right now, I don’t know how unbearable it may feel, but I know that you still have a voice. We cannot lose our voices. They contain the very essence of who we are; children of The Divine. No matter how difficult things may seem, no matter how impossible the circumstances feel, that voice inside must continue shouting from the depths of your soul that with God all things are possible!

We must not and cannot go through this life voiceless; the world needs us to speak out. To speak out about God’s love, God’s grace, God’s possible impossibilities. We are not finished! All of life’s struggles and difficulties are our “voice lessons”…lessons to show us that we have a voice, lessons to teach us how to use our voice, lessons to show us just how powerful our voices can be!

So, how’s your voice doin' these days?