So, real quick I just wanted to highlight the best moments of '08.
Best New Arrival of 2008 -Joshua Anthony - born May 13, 2008 @ 3:22 pm
9 lbs. 1 oz
21.5 in.
Best Moment of 2008 - Becoming Joshua's Auntie!Joshua Anthony, you have changed my world and made it a better place! You have been THE highlight of 2008 and I can't wait to watch you as you continue to grow in 2009!
I love you.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Best Of '08
Posted by Unknown at 5:35 PM 0 comments
Ending 2008 On A High Note
This year has been an interesting one, to say the least. Definitely filled with its downs, but the ups have been waaay up there. You know, sometimes we are so greatly challenged by circumstances and we feel that it is to prepare us for more circumstances down the road, but I've learned something different this year. To me, challenging circumstances have nothing to do with more circumstances...they are just a means to strengthen the relationships in your life. If you can weather the storms in your life with the people in your life by your side...then the situation doesn't make a difference. That's how I'm ending this year; with some amazing relationships by my side. I have no idea what this next year will bring, but I know that, together, with the people in my life, I will make it through on the other side...and well, how can that make me wanna do anything less than celebrate my way into 2009, as I celebrate the blessing of relationship.
Short and sweet.
I hope you all have a Happy and safe New Year's Eve, however you bring in the new year, my wish for you is that your heart be filled with the knowledge of the ones in your life that have your back.
Happy New Year!
Posted by Unknown at 4:45 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 29, 2008
Letter To My Fellow "Church-ians" - Part III
This is my final part in my letter to my fellow "church-ians" series.(Find Part I here & Part II here) I feel like somewhere down the road, in a different form there could be more on this, but for now this is where it ends. I can't say that I hope you have "enjoyed" it, I don't think its something people feel comfortable discussing and maybe that is why there has been minimal feedback. I do, however, hope that it has opened up the internal dialogue within you. Not that I am encouraging you to find faults in the church, but rather that you would be able to admit that it does indeed have shortcomings. My goal (other than to share my point of view) was to show that it is okay to have uneasy feelings about the issue and that it doesn't need to be swept under the rug.
So, for my final thoughts on this series and subject...
I am very discouraged to see the absence of Jesus in "church discipleship". What does this mean exactly? I have seen many times new members of a church body be introduced to rules and commitments, none of which are imperative to their Christian growth. For example, it is not uncommon that a new church member would be asked to show their commitment to Christ in the form of purging themselves of all "secular" music. [Side note: I absolutely detest the term secular! One of its dictionary definitions is "not overtly or specifically religious." Seriously?!? Another rant for another time I guess...] Back to church discipleship...what difference does it make what I listen to if I am being taught to listen to the voice of God in my life. What a concept! Leave the rules and regulations to God. Instead of teaching us how to heed the Words of God, we are taught that these "men of God" are our connection to what God is asking of us. From what I know of discipleship, it was perfectly modeled in the New Testament with Jesus and his disciples. That example shows a man asking nothing more of these men than to follow him. That would be too simple though, surely Jesus must have said "follow me and never listen to secular music." The idea that is conveyed when a church throws rules and commitments at people is "now you've received salvation, but that's not enough...its Jesus + <=== (insert word of your choice here.) Is it just me or is something very wrong with this picture? Church leaders are sometimes so scared to get close to people; scared that word might get out that they are human.
So, why does this idea bother me so much? Here's why: so often today there is this term used in new churches...they are trying to be "culturally relevant" to the 18-28 demographic. As a 21 year old that means me. The way most churches try to "reach" me is by having a light show during worship, having awesome multimedia ministries, singing (dare I use the word) secular songs during Sunday morning worship, using movie clips from the latest hit at the box office, taking a "coffeehouse" approach, and the list goes on and on. Based on this list though, they are assuming that the people in this demographic are dropping out of church purely because of aesthetics. It is their belief that giving Sunday morning service a face lift, or moving church to a different day of the week will bring me back in. There are tons of books on this stuff right now, its not all bad, but a lot of it addresses the symptoms of what I believe is a bigger problem. So, if there are any of you out there reading this that are pastors or ministers and are curious about how to more effectively reach this lost is one girl's opinion.
I honestly, don't care that much about what church looks like on any given day of the week as long as I have an encounter with God. I have a lot that I face during the week, I need church to not be another thing on my list of things to do. I need it to be a safe haven where I can give and be given to. I want a shepherd that will, without hesitation, walk along side me as we figure out the Christian walk. (key word "we", implying a sense of togetherness) I want a leadership team that doesn't have it all together; a team that is broken just like I am. I want to walk into a church that isn't "us" (leaders) and "them" (members). I want to be able to say "I have issues with church because I've been burned by it" and not be sentenced to exile for blasphemy. I want real relationships with people. Real community. Real-life, never gonna be the same again, I am never alone, I can blow it and still be loved back in, relational church. I want New Testament discipleship. I want to be taught to hear God's voice and presence in my life and use that as my compass in all things. I want people to know God through me. I don't want to scare hell into people but rather infiltrate their hearts with God's message of grace and redemption. I want a church that is filled with Christ's love, a place I belong...a place I wanna bring my twenty-something friends to. A safe place. An extension of the heart of Christ.
It's a lot, I realize that, but I don't think its impossible. I think its just a matter of figuring out how to move past the religion we have always known into relationship, first with God, and then with one another.
I don't have the answers, I don't have a model for what my ideal church would look like, but I know that most of the present-day churches are just not cutting it. I'm not scared to say that, I'm not even scared if it offends some who will read this...I feel very passionately about the church needing to change its view toward cultural relevance. I am tired of seeing my peers, people I care about fall through the cracks because no one is really looking at them, looking out for them...reaching them. This is for them.
Thanks for reading.
Posted by Unknown at 9:48 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Top 8 of '08
Every year, at about this time, with the new year rapidly approaching, I always find myself in a reflective state. So on this chilly December night I have decided to reflect on the top 8 best new music releases of 2008 (in my opinion at least).
Let the countdown begin....
#8 Spirit ~ Leona Lewis
(release date: April 8, 2008)
This girl has such a beautiful voice. She doesn't over-sing but sings the heck out of all her songs...which I think is a tough balance for a lot of singers. Other than the smash hit "Bleeding Love" my favorite song on her album is her current single, "Better in Time". I'm pretty sure you would have to be living under a rock to have not heard her, but if that is the case I highly recommend that you take a listen.
#7 Soul ~ Seal
(release date: October 31, 2008)
I haven't been a huge fan of all of Seal's former albums, but this one is a major exception. I really have a soft spot for throwback albums. To me, there is a difference between a "cover" album and a "throwback"album. I'm not sure that my opinion is accurate according to the music industry but oh well. I feel like a cover album is trying to redo old songs in new, fresh, present-day marketable versions. Whereas, a throwback album re-records old songs while still paying tribute the musical aspects that made them great by keeping them as part of the musical arrangements. Anyway, my top three songs on this album are "A Change is Gonna Come", "If You Don't Know Me By Now" and "Stand By Me". Good stuff.
#6 E=MC2 ~ Mariah Carey
(release date: April 15, 2008)
So, the whole world knows that Mariah Carey is just amazing no matter what. This album was no different. I go back and forth with her because I really like her classic hits from her early days, but I also really like her newer R&B stuff that she does now. She is one of those singers that you hear and know that God truly gave her that gift...there is no other explanation. Favorite tracks on this one are "Cruise Control" and "I Wish You Well".
#5 Bethany Presents Deluge (Live) ~ Deluge Band
(release date: March 4, 2008)
Worship is a huge part of my life. This is by a long shot one of THE BEST worship album I have ever heard (thus far). It is a live album and somehow they managed to record and mix it in such a way that you really feel like you were there...and more than that you "feel" the worship and the heart of it. It is really passionate and intense and I love that about it. I love all the songs but, my top picks are "I Need You", "Worshiping You", and "Whisper His Name". Seriously, if you haven't heard this one it is a MUST HEAR.
#4 Where the Light Is ~ John Mayer
(release date: July 1, 2008)
It's no secret that I am a big fan of John Mayer and I have to admit, its a little strange to me that he isn't in the #1 or #2 spot haha. It's ranking doesn't make it any less amazing though, it really is amazing. This album released at the beginning of July and I got to go see him in concert at the end of July. I was already excited to see him, but this CD just caused the anticipation to grow. This is a live CD that he recorded in December 2007 at the Nokia Theater. His concept for this show was to have three different artists in one show. All the artists, of course, being himself. The first is a set of his acoustic stuff, so its just him and his guitar. The second set is the John Mayer Trio which is his blues stuff. The final set is his entire tour band. My favorites from this live album are "In Your Atmosphere", "Bold As Love", and "Free Fallin' ".
#3 We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things. ~ Jason Mraz
(release date: May 12, 2008)
Out of all three of his albums this one has been my favorite. I think it has a lot of diversity, it isn't one of those albums where you feel like if you've heard the first 3 tracks there is no point in listening to the rest because it all sounds the same. He has his signature folk stuff, but also has some more soulful sounding tracks, as well as some really sweet ballads. My picks of of this one are "Lucky (feat. Colbie Caillat)", "Live High" and "Love For A Child".
#2 Gavin DeGraw ~ Gavin DeGraw
(release date: May 6, 2008)
I was not incredibly familiar with Gavin DeGraw's debut album, but this one...well I instantly became hooked. He has an incredible voice! He has so much soul, sometimes he seems like he belongs in a different era and I love people like that. Sometimes I feel cheated by being born in this era, it hasn't been all bad, there has been some really awesome stuff but, eras like the 50's. 60's and 70's...they were all about creativity. I think we've lost some of that in some markets. Anyway, this album is great. (I had the opportunity to see him live in October and he is even more amazing in person.) Top picks off of this one are "Next To Me (Wait A Minute Sister)", "I Have You To Thank", and "Untamed".
Okay, are you ready.....for my #1 pick??!?
#1 Not Without Love - Jimmy Needham
(release date: August 19, 2008)
So, in my last post I mentioned that I intended on doing a post about '09 Grammy Noms, but it doesn't look like that's gonna happen. I have tried to sit down and do it but the truth is '08 was not one of music's best years, there were some gems that I believe are on this list. Not all of them are noticed by the academy, but that's okay...they were mentioned here! haha.
Anyway, what makes it on your top list for '08 music releases?
2 days til Christmas! Hope you're all having a great week.
Posted by Unknown at 9:15 PM 1 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
A Little Of This, A Little Of That
My deepest apologies for not posting anything in December yet! It is already the 12th and I'm barely getting with the program. Anyway, BIG Update for me on the personal front; my job @ Berean Christian Store is coming to an end on January 31st. We received the news about a week ago that, due to some financial problems with the company, they had to close 6 six stores. 6 stores turned into 8 at the last minute to meet the required needs. Our store was the last, late addition to the list. Its sad and still hard to get used to in terms of discussing it with the very disappointed customers. As if the economic decline wasn't enough for these poor people, they get an automated phone call telling them that (in their words) "one of their favorite stores" is closing.
Today a customer was expressing their sadness about the store and my upcoming job loss and said "really puts a damper on your holiday season huh?" I have to admit, I was a little taken aback by her statement. I hadn't even thought of it that way. Lately, I find myself so caught up in the physical burdens of my daily life. Do you know what I mean? When it seems like all you can think about is job, finances, home, food, car expenses etc., I know Christmas is coming but I seem to have completely missed the magnitude of why we celebrate Christmas. It woke me up to the reality that no matter what happens, my hope and trust is in a currency that never diminishes in value. My hope and trust is in Christ. What else matters? I feel so silly that I still think my worrying can do something to make my problems go away, when I have THE Creator on the universe going before me in all I do. This was my light bulb moment.
I hope that you are not in the same place I was, but if you are I want to encourage you to not forget what this season is all about. And more than that, remember that it is not just this season. WE live for Him, in worship and gratitude..365...24/7. I know that we live in a time where we can't escape bad news. We are in a time where the stories you hear on the news are not about distant people..they are about people in our circles, maybe even us, real problems that are discouraging real people. With our hope in Christ we can't afford to waste another minute sulking or worrying. WE need to encourage and lift up one another. WE need to share the love of Christ with people who have no where to place their trust. WE need to realize why we celebrate Christmas. It is NOT about the "things" we "do" for one another that shows that we celebrate Christmas, it is in the relationship we have all the time that is a testimony to Christmas. Christmas is only where it began.
I wanna leave you with a video that my dad showed me, that since the news of my work situation as well as other things has really encouraged me. Like so many this year I am not in a place where I can give the gifts ("things") I would like to and that is what this video is about. Be encouraged...
For more info visit:
Oh, almost forgot...Grammy nominations came out last week and I have been meaning to sit down and share some of my thoughts and picks for my FAVORITE award show. Due to being crazy busy I haven't had a chance yet. But that's one thing that's coming.
And (prior to finding out about my job situation) I bought a laptop on "Cyber Monday" that should be coming soon. It has an integrated webcam so, I'm considering starting to do the occassional video post when I get it all figured out. We'll see.
I owe you some new Joshua pics soon.
Happy Friday Everyone! Enjoy your weekend! :)
Posted by Unknown at 12:38 AM 1 comments
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Letter To My Fellow "Church-ians" - Part II
So I'm back for the second part of my series on my "issues" (for lack of a better word) with church. If you missed Part I you can read it here. Okay, this one is a big one...
I am so tired of the church feeling that it is its rightful job to show people what the judgement of God is like. Have you ever experienced this: you're talking to a churched person and you state an opinion and they come out with their long list of reasons why you're wrong and they are right and how you're sinning against God blah blah blah. I know I have, and God help me if I have been guilty of it at times. I have a couple problems with this. First, the phrase "who died and made you God?" comes to mind haha. Who knows maybe they didn't get the memo that Christ rose again after he died and they really do think they're doing him a favor. Comical right? As if God couldn't handle His own judgement, they feel that any chance they get to show lost people the "way"they need to do it as a service to God. I am sooo incredibly bothered when people judge. Have you ever walked into a church service or function and felt the eyes of someone who thinks they are God's gift to us? They just look at you up and down...just waiting for something you do that they feel they do better. And BAM! poor unsuspecting you gets smacked with the judgement stick! And you, who were already having a really bad day, (bills come in but paychecks don't, you got in an argument with your spouse that morning, went to your car only to find a parking ticket and that it wouldn't start), end up feeling worse about yourself. All in a place where you are supposed to be finding restoration, grace, and peace. Maybe its never happened to you, but I've felt it and seen it happen so many times.
Secondly, they want so badly to get it, we are supposed to be an extension of the Father but, wow do we sometimes miss the point of what that means. That means we are to love in spite of faults and shortcomings...isn't that how Christ loves us? If you're going to claim to represent Christ's presence in your life at least get it a little bit right...not once does Christ call us to be a preview of what the throne of judgement will be like. Where do we get off thinking that we're doing God a favor. If anything we push His beloved away. We need to get it together we are doing more losing than saving when we do this. God help us.
To wrap it up, I want to say this: if you have been hurt or pushed away from the church because of the judgement you have felt in the past, I encourage you to forgive and give us another chance. Most of the time, (though its not an excuse) we judge others harshly only because it takes the focus off of how harshly we are constantly judging ourselves.
At the end of the day we all need saving and God sent His Only Son for all of us...none us are better than the next. The church needs to get this soon or else we will continue losing precious people who, like all of us, are in need of the exact opposite of judgement; love, grace, and acceptance. God doesn't have a performance measuring stick for us, so why would we then think that we need to have one for others? Replace the judgement with love and just watch the turnaround on a Sunday morning. People who come in dragging will leave feeling like they have enough grace to face the week ahead. Instead of feeling unhappy when you leave, you will leave with an indescribable joy. In other words we will return to being Christ's church. Give it a try. I promise, it is awesome to just love on someone that would otherwise be expecting judgement...but beware it could change their life...and yours ;-)
Until next time "Church-ians" :)
Have a great week
Posted by Unknown at 8:51 PM 1 comments
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy (kinda late) Thanksgiving!
A few things today, first the obvious Happy Thanksgiving. :) I was raised with the philosophy that we celebrate people and happiness all year long rather than save it all up for a special occasion. So, today really serves as a reminder to strive toward the practice of daily gratitude. Today has been special because I shared it with people I love and don't often get to spend time with. I feel that we should always appreciate the daily things we have to be grateful for...
I put the key in my car's ignition and my car starts.
= Gratitude.
My beautiful nephew smiles at me when he wakes up from a nap.
= Gratitude.
I lay down to go to sleep at the end of the night...still alive and breathing. Survival of another day.
= Gratitude.
I bake some cookies that come out extremely close to perfection. Success.
= Gratitude.
See the pattern? It should be our goal to live a life of gratitude for the little miracles we witness everyday, and for the miracle of people in our lives everyday. Just some of my Thanksgiving thoughts.
Second thing I wanted to share with you was a quick little update on baby Elijah. We found out that about a week ago he was able to go home to the nursery his parents made for him. HUGE MIRACLE = Gratitude!!!! He still has a tough fight everyday and is still in need of our prayers and support. His parents are staying strong in the hope and faith they have in Christ. Thank you for all your prayers and encouragement for this special family.
Lastly, I have a confession to apology really...I have been quite the inactive blogger lately. Truth is, like so many people, I have been having a pretty rough time in life lately and I have this fear that I'll come on here and post something that will only bum you out. That is sooo not my intention with this blog. My intention is to, someday, write in such a way that we are able to have active dialogue about various things in a fun and open manner. Anyway, blogging should be back to normal next week. I say next week because I work in retail and its a big weekend for us so I probably won't have time. So to all of you Black Friday shoppers be nice to the sales people, give them grace...we should train all year for the crowds of this weekend. Even with a declining economy people still go out and shop til they drop, So that's all. Happy Shopping to those of you who go out.
I hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving surrounded by the love of family and friends, and lots of new memories.
Since its a few minutes before Friday morning was your thanksgiving?? :)
Posted by Unknown at 11:35 PM 1 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Elevating Elijah - A Call To Prayer
I want to tell you about some very special people in my life whose story is weighing heavily on my heart and mind. During my time at Living Faith my brother and sister-in-law introduced me to an amazing couple that they instantly felt a heart connection with. Their names are Carlos and Jennifer. They can be described, in our family, as the kind of people you feel you've known all your life, aside from the fact that you've only just met. They are full of life and love; first for God and then for one another. They both have amazing families and it has been their desire to start one of their own. With the kind of love and joy that just flows out of them, having their first child seemed to be a perfect fit. I first found out that they were expecting at Guera's baby shower in March, earlier this year. We all shared in the excitement. Not too long after, Carlos and Jenn found out that their unborn son was having some problems. The doctors had more questions than answers, but still in faith, they continued to prepare for his arrival. Little Elijah was not due to be born until December, but for different health reasons, the doctors delivered him by C-section a little over a week ago.
Little Elijah was born a fighter. Since his birth he has brought immense joy (along with worry and concern), all the while still fighting. An even more amazing part of this story is the faith of his parents, by his side all the way...their faith being tested daily, but never faltering. Only God knows what will come of Elijah's fight, but we know that his mom and dad believe and trust that he is God's child first, and theirs second. I don't have many medical details but I know that this is a heavy burden they are carrying. They are surrounded by the love and support of family and friends.
I write all this to ask that you come along side and pray for the strength this precious family needs in the days that lie ahead. I call you to prayer for this situation. Please pray for God's will and the grace to accept whatever His will is. Please come together with me and my family as we elevate Elijah. May God gain all the glory.
Keep fighting Elijah. We love you...
**If you would like to write an encouraging note or prayer go ahead and leave it as a comment and I will print them out and make sure to get it to Carlos and Jenn. They can't get enough encouragement right now. Thanks**
Posted by Unknown at 11:10 PM 4 comments
Happy 6 Month Birthday Joshua!
Today my nephew Joshua Anthony has officially been in the world for 6 months. It doesn't seem like its been that long. I still so clearly remember the morning we got the call that Daniel had taken Guera to the hospital. Even clearer than that I remember seeing him for the first time. He hasn't stopped bringing joy ever since that day. So in honor of Joshua turning 6 months old I took some pictures of him today and would like to share them with you. I took quite a few, these are my favorites.
Dear Joshua,
I had no idea how much joy you would bring my life. Every day that I see you, you have learned something new and you always have a brand new thing that makes you laugh. I don't think I smiled nearly as much before you came into my life. I love that you have more personality and happiness than your body can contain. 6 months have just flown by. I love playing with you and you love playing even more, that's all you want to do right now. I have a blast feeding you your cereal in the morning and all days get off to a good start when I come down the stairs and see you. I am so thankful that God blessed our family with you. You bring so much joy to all of us. You are our very own miracle straight from the heart of God. I love being your auntie. Even more than that I just love you and I am looking forward to watch you as you continue to grow. I love you my precious nephew.
-Auntie Leslie
Posted by Unknown at 2:29 PM 3 comments
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Belief Is What We're Fighting For
I have been internally debating whether or not to address this issue, simply because I hate politics, but it is something that I feel strongly about so here it goes...
This past Tuesday night many were expecting to witness history. Intrigued by this, I watched as our new president-elect addressed the American people. In watching this I made a few observations: 1) he has an amazing speech-writer, 2) he definitely has a gift for public speaking, and 3) this one is the big one, the reason for this post:
As I watched the cameras film the crowd so many, many people were moved to tears, first at the news that Barack Obama won the presidency, and second at his appearance and speech that same evening. I was so deeply saddened while watching, not because of who will become the next president, but because of the look in the eyes of each person I saw. No one will deny that times are tough right now, as a nation and individually, more than anything people are filled with an overwhelming despair. They are looking for something - anything to believe in that will give them hope that all is not lost. The truth is Barack Obama was in the right place at the right time to seemingly offer people the hope they so deeply longed for. We know that at the end of the day he is human just like you and I. He will fall short, as we all do, he will disappoint these people that believe so strongly in him. God humbled and convicted me as I watched this and that is what I want to share with you.
As Christians we have the Bible that guides most of what we believe and at some point we all feel the need to impose these beliefs on others. I'm not saying that we need to be ashamed of what we believe, I just think we need to refresh our approach. Instead of preaching at people about who or what they should vote for, why didn't we (myself included) simply talk to them and tell them that in the midst of all the chaos surrounding us I have an unwavering peace? Why wasn't it us who were there at the right place at the right time to introduce them to the One true hope? I'm going to risk upsetting some but at the end of the day what does it matter who or what we vote for if at the end of that very same day people are living their lives outside the wonderful grace of God.
Things in the economy could get worse or they could get better, we don't have to sweat it because our hope is in Christ. Barack Obama could be one of the worst presidents in history, or he could be one of the greatest, we don't have to worry because our hope is in Christ. Life as we know it could end, why stress?...our hope is in Christ. Are you kinda getting the point?
People everyday are still looking for something to believe in. Something they can be a part of. Something so much bigger than themselves or their hardships. We have the answer for them, but instead we just tell them that they voted for the wrong candidate. We see and meet these people everyday, we are in relationship with the One they need, we NEED to step up and show them the path to Him. We NEED to tell them that the world could fall to pieces around us, but we know that All things work together for good, to those who love God. They NEED us to lead them to the cross, to the feet of Jesus where they can cast all their worry, stress, and concern and in exchange receive a peace that transcends all understanding. In the words of my dad " The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing"
I pray that God helps each and every one of us to be made aware of the people that He places in our path everyday that need Him. May we see the world around us through His eyes.
I encourage all of you to stay open to the hand of God that will lead you to be a light to the people that need Him. Because we all do. Can you imagine how you would be getting through these times without the hope of Christ? I just don't think I could survive, in fact I know I couldn't, so how can so many people?
Answer: They just haven't met Him yet. Make the introduction.
Posted by Unknown at 9:15 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Sunday Night Ramblings
I always feel so bad when a week goes by without at least one post on here, and its been over a week you can imagine how bad I feel. Well, I don't have any reason or rhyme to this post, its more impulsive than I normally am here on my blog, which can sometimes be a good thing ;)
So here's the quick update I will give as far as what I have been up to lately: Mostly I've been working, at least that's what it feels like. More hours means more money which is good, but things have been a little crazy lately. Retail + holidays approaching = crazy! This is my 3rd holiday season at Berean, time flies. I have learned to handle the chaos a lot better now then when I first started...I still have my moments though ha ha.
Anytime I haven't been at work I'm hanging out here at home doing some scrapbooking, researching propositions in preparation for election day on Tuesday, and my favorite....baking! I'm trying to figure out which recipes are going to make it on the Christmas gift list. I must say this year is going to be one of the best years for our baked goods gift baskets! I have learned a lot of new recipes this year. I'm so excited. So since I was a little kid I have always loved those sugar cookies decorated with icing all nice and pretty, but every time I have tried to make them either the cookie sucks or the icing sucks. This week I finally mastered the duo!!! I made the cutest Halloween cookies! The cookie was good and moist and the icing was amazing (and best of all didn't taste like cardboard boxes, like it has in the past). Here is the picture:
So, on Halloween I had to work, but Daniel and Guera brought Joshua by so I could see him in his costume...
Seriously, it doesn't get much cuter than that!! He was so adorable, and so unfazed by his costume. As you can see, he was a tiger. My mom says he looks like Hobbs from Calvin & Hobbs, which is cool because my brother used to read that comic strip and its a little nostalgic. He is getting so big, so fast. If I go even a day without seeing him it looks like he's grown. He is starting to eat baby cereal and soon will start on baby food which is very exciting for all of us :) He is still discovering his vocal ability. If he keeps it up there is a good chance that he will end up being a great singer like his mama and daddy. He also got a little jumper recently that he LOVES and is so hilarious in. He has so much energy, so the jumper has been a good way for all of us to get a rest. I'll try and take a video this week and post it, I guarantee you it will brighten your day! All he wants to do is play. It is so cute though. I can't imagine my life without him and he has only been around for not even 6 months.
During the recent news headlines about singer/actress Jennifer Hudson's family tragedy I have been realizing just how much I can't live without my family. In a matter of a couple of days she lost her mom, brother, and nephew. Without my parents, brothers, sister in laws, niece and nephew etc. I don't think I could go on. My prayers are still going out to her and her family. Take some time and tell the people you couldn't live without that you love them. To mine, I love you all and wouldn't even want to imagine a day without you. =)
Well, I better go get ready for the week. As always, thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings, I really appreciate it.
Oh also, what do you think of the music? Any suggestions for songs I should add that you would like to hear when you click on here? Let me know.
Have a GREAT week everyone!
Posted by Unknown at 9:08 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Got 'Churched'?
Posted by Unknown at 9:31 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Letter to My Fellow "Church-ians"- Part I
In recent weeks, I have had numerous conversations on various topics regarding church. I have found that my responses and/or ideas seem to be somewhat offensive or disheartening to the people I have spoken with. So I decided to sit and collect my thoughts on this topic in response to some of these "offensive" conversations. As I began to organize these thoughts, I found that they were much more extensive than even I thought. I decided to make this a series of posts so it's not too long. This is the first of what will be a few posts over the coming days/weeks.
- I am no authority on church. I will never claim to be one; however, it has been where I have grown up and made some of the most defining observations and realizations of my life.
- I fully understand that to some, I have an alleged attitude of indifference towards church...this is not true. In fact, I believe that connection to a church body is extremely important to our spiritual health and well-being.
- I am not pointing fingers. I use the word "we" because these are things that I feel I am guilty of as well, being a part of a church body myself.
- Please bear with me and stay open minded...this is not a church-bashing rant.
- Lastly, in these posts I refer collectively to all of my church-going experiences; Not any one church specifically.
Having said that, my issue is with how much the “church” has over complicated and lost sight of its original purpose. In the New Testament when Christianity was under immense scrutiny and persecution, the body of Christ (or “church”) was a safe haven for victims of this persecution. I feel like in our attempt to separate ourselves from the “world,” we have gone off balance. We have not only alienated the world so that we can’t reach them, but we have also alienated one another. My heart is so grieved when I sit in church on a Sunday morning and not only feel lost myself, but look around and see a whole room full of lost people…ironic huh? Now, it is my belief that somewhere we lost the essence of our identity as a body and that is what bothers me. That’s not to say that I’m one of those bitter church-kids (though there is grace for them too) that has jumped on that “Christianity is the new face of consumerism with its made to order mega church and superstar pastors blah, blah, blah.” I just feel like as a whole, our humanity has blinded us to the point of making church about us, rather than God and His desires. Consider this: What kind of crazy idea would it be, to return to and follow the blueprint that the originator of Christianity laid out?
I believe that at the core of His ministry, Jesus just talked to people. Sometimes he taught in a teacher-student kind of way. And others, he sat around a table eating and discussing things, in a more informal family-get-together kind of way. Now, I am no Theologian or Bible scholar, but what I believe made Jesus so effective (other than the obvious; being the Son of God thing) was the way in which he spoke. I imagine him to been very articulate, but not in an irritating, know-it-all way (even though He does know it all). I imagine him to have explained things in a way that both the oldest, wisest person could understand, as well as a little child. I think where we have missed the point a little is in the way we talk about spirituality and Christianity. I am not naïve enough to think that these topics are unimportant and should be ignored, but I feel that we over-spiritualize the core, simplistic foundation of our beliefs. We strive so hard to understand the inner workings of God, so we read massive books and take classes (which I’m not saying are bad) all the while “forgetting” that we are in an eternal relationship with the One who wrote the book from start to finish; the same one who wrote each of our individual books. The Creator of the universe and everything in it. We have this indescribable relationship with this amazing being, yet we still refer to man to figure Him out. In our attempt to have this “look to man” approach toward relationship with God we have lost sight of the fact that for some people, we are the only light they will see…so shouldn’t they be able to see Him in us? Especially if that is the only glimpse they will see. So hypothetically, say they see Him in us and then we proceed to invite them to “church”…that could sometimes be the worst possible thing we could do! Ha-ha. Have you ever been in a church for the first time and felt like you were in a room full of people that needed to be institutionalized? Yes, I know, that is an exaggeration, but sometimes not that far off. For someone on the “outside” coming into a church for the first time can be kinda scary. We’re full of strong opinions. Opinions about who one should vote for, what book we should read, what translation of the Bible to read, how you should feel about particular social issues, etc. All the while we are not really introducing them to true insight of who God is. So often church has been used as a platform to impose one’s opinions and that is why people are so turned off by it. People are searching and we should be the place where they overwhelmingly find God’s love and grace.
For now, that’s where I'll stop. Food for thought: If you were the only glimpse of God’s love and grace to someone that was desperately searching for it, how well would you represent? From your experience, what would you change about the church’s approach, and how does that relate to you? What small part can you play in making it happen?
Posted by Unknown at 11:40 PM 2 comments
Thursday, October 9, 2008
It's Joshua!!!
So as promised here is a Joshua update: Here are some pictures of the things he likes to do right now...
Posted by Unknown at 8:40 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Dear Ellie,
I know somtimes you get tired of all the therapy and hard work. But I also know that since the day you were born, you were born a fighter. In your parents lives before you there were obstacles facing them but they never backed down, they're fighters too. I see in your eyes that there are things you wanna get up and do, I see the frustration when you can't always do them. I have also seen your determination and persistence to learn to do the things that you strive to do. That is a quality that you must value. It will always take you far. Your life so far mirrors this. I don't know if I've ever told you this but Ellie, you're an inspiration to me. Sometimes I want to give up on the little things in life that get me down, but you don't give up, so I know that I can't. Your smile has always brought warmth to my heart and I know it does the same for your mommy and daddy because I've seen it. You are so blessed to have them as your parents, with them I know you're going to get through anything life throws at you. And I have seen you do the same thing for them. They're blessed to have you too. You are so amazing. I really believe that God was showing off when you were designed. Not only are you beautiful, but you have a huge heart. You are just one incredible little one. There are many more milestones for you to accomplish that will continue to blow the minds of your doctors and therapists and I'm here to cheer you on as you do. I love you.
Keep on inspiring. Love, Auntie Leslie.
Harvey and Elaine you're both doing an amazing job with Ellie. I am so proud that we are family. I just wanted to share this that was on my heart for you. I love you both so much.
So this is some of my family. These are some of the hall of famers in my life. As you remember, please throw out a prayer for continued strength for Harvey, Elaine and Ellie. I know more good updates on Ellie's recovery are on the way. I will definitely keep you all posted.
Hope you all had a good weekend.
Posted by Unknown at 5:30 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 29, 2008
Celebration of People
On different occasions over the last few weeks, I feel as though I have been constantly reminded of the importance of people in my life. From different books or stories I’ve read, to something as simple as a song in a movie…the theme has been the same; People. A few weeks ago, I watched the old Streisand movie Funny Girl, and of course it features the classic song ‘People.’ I had heard the song before, but, for some reason this time the line “People who need people, are the luckiest people in the world,” stayed with me as though I was hearing it for the first time. Sometimes I feel like any type of “neediness” is viewed as a form of weakness, so much that we don’t want to admit our need for one another. The truth is, our strength is found in people and the role they play in our lives. In addition to the song, I also read a book (Wide Awake by Erwin McManus) that dedicated an entire chapter in how the greatest investment we can make in our lives is in people. What is really neat about all the little reminders was that prior to them, I had already wanted to write a post that was, in a way a celebration or tribute to all the people in my life. These are hard times that we live in, and second to God, people that He places around us to love and support us, is how we will get through the tough times. So, to the people in my life, I would like to say thank you. You all play different roles in my life, but without any one of you, my life would be lacking.
“Time goes by so fast; people go in and out of your life. You must never miss the opportunity to tell these people how much they mean to you” –anonymous
First, to my family: What can I say? At times it is you that sustain my very existence. It is your unwavering love and support that helps me know for certain, that no day, do I face alone. You are the biggest, tangible example of God’s love as at pertains to my daily life and sustenance. Standing alongside you I have no fear or doubt that we can’t make it through anything that is thrown our way. We have survived things that no one should have to, but together we have beaten the odds and will continue to do so. I am blessed to have such an anchored family. I can’t thank God enough for choosing all of us for each other.
Second, to my Berean Friends: How can I possibly describe you? You have all been there for me in your own individual, strange ways, but no matter what you have always remained a soft place to fall. I can’t tell you in words how much I value all of you and how grateful I am for each of you. It is because of you that work doesn’t really feel like “work,” instead it has become a home away from home.
Third, to my Living Faith Friends and Family: I thank God for placing you in my life, or placing me in yours or, however you want to word it. I’m blessed to know you. As broken as I was when I first met you, I was still welcomed with open arms. Please know that should the day come, I will do the same.
Lastly, to the few that have seen my process longer than most, who have seen me at my lowest and still want me around. To the people that stood by me when it would have been easier to bail. You know who you are; some have also fallen in lists above. It is my heart’s desire and prayer that no matter what, I can always look up and around and find you still there.
This is a pretty much covers most of the people in my life. With the fast-paced, hectic life we all live, it is easy to put off saying the things we feel on a regular basis. I encourage you to take some time today and tell someone in your life what they mean to you; let’s try to make it a goal to daily celebrate the people in our lives.
Happy Monday! Have a Good One!
Posted by Unknown at 12:04 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Happy Birthday Daniel!

Posted by Unknown at 10:34 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Jimmy Needham-"Not Without Love"
So I felt bad that it has taken me so long to update this thing so really quick I'm gonna do a short album review. I figure if its something that I'm really enjoying and is speaking to me....why not share a good thing with all of you :) The album that I can't seem to take out of my CD player is Jimmy Needham's newest release "Not Without Love" It is kinda Jason Mraz-meets-Gavin DeGraw-meets-Jesus....
hahaha ok so I thought that was clever. (Who am I to say that Jason and Gavin haven't met Jesus they just don't relay it blatantly in their is God-breathed regardless of the vessels Christian or non-Christian label) Funny or not I think its pretty accurate. He has the "folky" kind of melodies and phrasing but musically he has this soulful edge, meanwhile his lyrics are explicitly spiritual. I can't choose a single favorite track but some of my favorites are "Hurricane," "Before and After," and "The Author." Beware of the last track "Not Without Love (Benediction)" contrary to what some initially is not one of the voices in your head it is Needham trying his hand at spoken word. The words are good...I just don't feel that he has a spoken word kind of voice. This record is a pretty big growth from his last album that was primarily folky. This was a much anticipated release for me and it was definitely worth the wait. His release date was pushed back from April 29th to August 19th...and it is finally here!
So this is one of the things I'm really lovin' these days....What's floating your musical boat lately???
*(Please note that I am currently working on a series of posts that I'm hoping will be worth the wait. Bear with me please I'm new at blogging)*
Posted by Unknown at 10:55 PM 1 comments
Friday, August 22, 2008
Finally Had Some Time...
I have been wanting to write a new post on here since, well, since after my last post but things just sort of kept getting away from me...
First things first...I want to send some love to the people in my life who are parents dealing with kids that have special needs that need special attention. I am blessed to know a few of these people right now and being near them makes me so proud to know them. I don't know if you've seen the movie I Am Sam but there is a part that if you've seen it you might not remember but it struck a chord with me and I always remember it. In a conversation with his daughter about her absent mother he starts telling her about how Paul McCartney and John Lennon lost their moms when they were very little and then proceeds to tell her in the simplest way..."Only the special people." Only the special people. That's how I feel about people that face immense challenges. God gives a special grace to these "special people." So to these people I would just like to say thank you. Thank you for inspiring me. Your endless well of strength that you draw on straight from the heart of God encourages me and helps me to believe that there is enough grace for me to make it through the day. And to all the other people that maybe carry a different burden but draw on that special strength that only God can give. Thanks to you too.
Through It All
On Wednesday night my parents and I were babysitting my nephew and on our way to church where my dad was going to be teaching the bible study and as soon as we started driving the muffler came loose and was dragging and making some awful noises. So we got off the freeway and pulled into a parking lot and made some phone calls (big thanks to everyone that was there and available to help) and I have to be honest my first reaction was "C'mon God seriously??! Everything else we're dealing with isn't enough?" And then I take Joshua out of his car seat while we're waiting for help and in less than 2 minutes he is sound asleep without a care in the world. His example hit me like a ton of bricks! My mom and I had a conversation about it and were talking about how he has full and complete trust that the people around him that love him are going to take care of him. First and foremost his parents (who by the way are doing an amazing job! I love you Daniel and Guera and I am so proud of you and how well you are living out the role you were meant to play!) and then grandparents and well yours truly and all other extended family, church family, and lets face it he is just so love-able the list goes on. He is so certain that his well being is important to all those around him that he had no reason to worry or do anything other than fall right to sleep. Granted he is only three months old and doesn't have the reasoning skills to think otherwise but still at some point we lose that innocence and start losing that faith and trust not only with the people around us but most importantly God. So as I was freaking out inside my head it dawned on me...there were people around me that God strategically placed that were instantly there for me and our situation. Everything turned out fine all to prove that my worrying made no difference and Joshua's peace allowed him to have a nice little nap and teach me a lesson. Out of the mouth (or sleep) of babes...
I've been off of work since Monday and still have a few days left and contrary to what co-workers told me to do I didn't go out of town. I just stayed put and have found that it was exactly what I've needed. I've sort of unplugged and I've had a chance to get some reading done, done some cooking and really just recharge. The last few months have taken quite a toll and until I was able to stop I didn't realize how tired I had become just from fighting to stay above water. I'm really enjoying the time to not have to do anything and figuring out what's next for me. I haven't written on here as much as I would like to but I'm hoping to keep catching up over the next few days.
Thanks for the feedback, emails, and comments you've posted and sent. I appreciate it and hope that as I figure this out more and more that you'll enjoy yourself and find my musings interesting...more to come to bed for me.
Posted by Unknown at 12:27 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Music Is A World Within Itself...
...Literally it is! Today I went to Taboo Band (check them out at practice with my dad and was amazed at how different and unique each band member is. They may be in different age brackets, different walks of life, different upbringings, etc. but as soon as they are all in a room together, instruments in hand, music is the only commonality and that's enough. They may all live different life styles, have different ideas on who should be the next president, different opinions on what song should or shouldn't be played or how it should be played but in that moment all that matters is that they all have a love for music. Period. And that's enough. There was no underlying competition. Just a group of music lovers that all have respect for each other simply because they love music enough to master their craft. In my opinion each member has the talent to be egotistical and full of themselves but not a single one of them had any type of "holier-than-thou" attitude. If only this kind of respect could be found in everyday life...
...In a Language We All (well maybe not "all") Understand...
So as I'm sitting there watching all these incredibly talented individuals play song after song seemingly effortlessly, I noticed something that I've noticed in observing musicians before. If you've spent any time at all around musicians in rehearsal you may have picked up on this too...and that is how no matter how great or not so great a communicator you are if you're a gifted musician you understand the lingo. And, no, not the lingo that's taught if you study music in a class least that can be deciphered to an untrained ear at some point. No, I'm talking about how some of the most intelligent and talented people communicating in "ba pa da da ba" understand each other. I feel like I would sooner understand my nephew with goo goo's and gaa gaa's. What is so amazing though is that one of them will make a suggestion in this "music-ese" and the other will not only understand what it means...but will then proceed to translate it into their instrument and play it!! This is beyond me. A music professor once said during a lecture that music is "genetically encoded" in our DNA and I guess that's the explanation for this "da da da pa pa" turning into real, live, audible, music. I'm pretty sure this "language" can't be taught but rather is encoded in the really gifted musicians. I don't know. I am still blown away at how people could witness a phenomenon like that (well I think its a phenomenon you may disagree) or hear an amazing composition that could move them to tears and still stand up and say there is no God. Second to a new life, music is one of the most powerfully "tangible" things that without a doubt is God-inspired and God-breathed. And the truth is that it is God-inspired and God-breathed whether you believe in it or not...that brings the phrase "its not about you" to mind. Anyway, I had a blast watching these guys play and look forward to many more opportunities. For your enjoyment, here is one of their videos...
until next time...
Posted by Unknown at 11:16 PM 2 comments