Sunday, November 30, 2008

Letter To My Fellow "Church-ians" - Part II

So I'm back for the second part of my series on my "issues" (for lack of a better word) with church. If you missed Part I you can read it here. Okay, this one is a big one...

I am so tired of the church feeling that it is its rightful job to show people what the judgement of God is like. Have you ever experienced this: you're talking to a churched person and you state an opinion and they come out with their long list of reasons why you're wrong and they are right and how you're sinning against God blah blah blah. I know I have, and God help me if I have been guilty of it at times. I have a couple problems with this. First, the phrase "who died and made you God?" comes to mind haha. Who knows maybe they didn't get the memo that Christ rose again after he died and they really do think they're doing him a favor. Comical right? As if God couldn't handle His own judgement, they feel that any chance they get to show lost people the "way"they need to do it as a service to God. I am sooo incredibly bothered when people judge. Have you ever walked into a church service or function and felt the eyes of someone who thinks they are God's gift to us? They just look at you up and down...just waiting for something you do that they feel they do better. And BAM! poor unsuspecting you gets smacked with the judgement stick! And you, who were already having a really bad day, (bills come in but paychecks don't, you got in an argument with your spouse that morning, went to your car only to find a parking ticket and that it wouldn't start), end up feeling worse about yourself. All in a place where you are supposed to be finding restoration, grace, and peace. Maybe its never happened to you, but I've felt it and seen it happen so many times.

Secondly, they want so badly to get it, we are supposed to be an extension of the Father but, wow do we sometimes miss the point of what that means. That means we are to love in spite of faults and shortcomings...isn't that how Christ loves us? If you're going to claim to represent Christ's presence in your life at least get it a little bit right...not once does Christ call us to be a preview of what the throne of judgement will be like. Where do we get off thinking that we're doing God a favor. If anything we push His beloved away. We need to get it together we are doing more losing than saving when we do this. God help us.

To wrap it up, I want to say this: if you have been hurt or pushed away from the church because of the judgement you have felt in the past, I encourage you to forgive and give us another chance. Most of the time, (though its not an excuse) we judge others harshly only because it takes the focus off of how harshly we are constantly judging ourselves.

At the end of the day we all need saving and God sent His Only Son for all of us...none us are better than the next. The church needs to get this soon or else we will continue losing precious people who, like all of us, are in need of the exact opposite of judgement; love, grace, and acceptance. God doesn't have a performance measuring stick for us, so why would we then think that we need to have one for others? Replace the judgement with love and just watch the turnaround on a Sunday morning. People who come in dragging will leave feeling like they have enough grace to face the week ahead. Instead of feeling unhappy when you leave, you will leave with an indescribable joy. In other words we will return to being Christ's church. Give it a try. I promise, it is awesome to just love on someone that would otherwise be expecting judgement...but beware it could change their life...and yours ;-)

Until next time "Church-ians" :)
Have a great week


jazmynthirteen said...

i miss church although i definitely don't miss the misjudgements. i know at some point i came off as judgemental and am still sometimes but not in the churchy's just our human nature. our insecurities lashing out forgetting that we are blessed. i miss the fellowship and the support who shared my beliefs in a better spiritual life. it's hard to find people with moral fiber nowadays. it's even allowed me to slip into a moral slump. and harsh judgement is always the last thing anyone needs when they fall short of glory. i'm blessed that i have a wonderful family to remind me of God's grace and love for me. without them who knows where i'd be. More and more I realize many of my friends along with their shortcomings are also a reflection of God's love for me. I find that even if I tried running as far away from God He'd find a way to let me know He's always there regardless of what i've done or am going through.

We will always fall short but God will never fail us.