My brother, my friend
We’ve been a pair since the beginning
You have always looked out for me
You played with me even when it didn’t make you cool
Childhood became an adventure with you by my side
We’ve been a pair since the beginning
You have always looked out for me
You played with me even when it didn’t make you cool
Childhood became an adventure with you by my side

You taught me what it meant to use my imagination
It was with you that I shared some of my earliest dreams
You always responded with hopeful possibility
You made it cool to dream

You didn’t laugh and turn me away
You let me sleep on the floor next to your bed
Or you would leave your door open so I knew you were near
My brother, my friend
Now we’re both getting older
Life has taught us some pretty brutal lessons
But together, a pair, we still remain
Life’s hard times are a little less scary with you around
Whether its monsters under the bed
Or the unknown up ahead
You are now and have always been
My brother, my friend
Happy Birthday French Fry!
Now we’re both getting older
Life has taught us some pretty brutal lessons
But together, a pair, we still remain
Life’s hard times are a little less scary with you around
Whether its monsters under the bed
Or the unknown up ahead
You are now and have always been
My brother, my friend
I love you!
Your sister, Your friend.
-Leslie Danielle
Hi, it's a very great blog.
I could tell how much efforts you've taken on it.
Keep doing!
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