So, real quick I just wanted to highlight the best moments of '08.
Best New Arrival of 2008 -Joshua Anthony - born May 13, 2008 @ 3:22 pm
9 lbs. 1 oz
21.5 in.
Best Moment of 2008 - Becoming Joshua's Auntie!Joshua Anthony, you have changed my world and made it a better place! You have been THE highlight of 2008 and I can't wait to watch you as you continue to grow in 2009!
I love you.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Best Of '08
Posted by Unknown at 5:35 PM 0 comments
Ending 2008 On A High Note
This year has been an interesting one, to say the least. Definitely filled with its downs, but the ups have been waaay up there. You know, sometimes we are so greatly challenged by circumstances and we feel that it is to prepare us for more circumstances down the road, but I've learned something different this year. To me, challenging circumstances have nothing to do with more circumstances...they are just a means to strengthen the relationships in your life. If you can weather the storms in your life with the people in your life by your side...then the situation doesn't make a difference. That's how I'm ending this year; with some amazing relationships by my side. I have no idea what this next year will bring, but I know that, together, with the people in my life, I will make it through on the other side...and well, how can that make me wanna do anything less than celebrate my way into 2009, as I celebrate the blessing of relationship.
Short and sweet.
I hope you all have a Happy and safe New Year's Eve, however you bring in the new year, my wish for you is that your heart be filled with the knowledge of the ones in your life that have your back.
Happy New Year!
Posted by Unknown at 4:45 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 29, 2008
Letter To My Fellow "Church-ians" - Part III
This is my final part in my letter to my fellow "church-ians" series.(Find Part I here & Part II here) I feel like somewhere down the road, in a different form there could be more on this, but for now this is where it ends. I can't say that I hope you have "enjoyed" it, I don't think its something people feel comfortable discussing and maybe that is why there has been minimal feedback. I do, however, hope that it has opened up the internal dialogue within you. Not that I am encouraging you to find faults in the church, but rather that you would be able to admit that it does indeed have shortcomings. My goal (other than to share my point of view) was to show that it is okay to have uneasy feelings about the issue and that it doesn't need to be swept under the rug.
So, for my final thoughts on this series and subject...
I am very discouraged to see the absence of Jesus in "church discipleship". What does this mean exactly? I have seen many times new members of a church body be introduced to rules and commitments, none of which are imperative to their Christian growth. For example, it is not uncommon that a new church member would be asked to show their commitment to Christ in the form of purging themselves of all "secular" music. [Side note: I absolutely detest the term secular! One of its dictionary definitions is "not overtly or specifically religious." Seriously?!? Another rant for another time I guess...] Back to church discipleship...what difference does it make what I listen to if I am being taught to listen to the voice of God in my life. What a concept! Leave the rules and regulations to God. Instead of teaching us how to heed the Words of God, we are taught that these "men of God" are our connection to what God is asking of us. From what I know of discipleship, it was perfectly modeled in the New Testament with Jesus and his disciples. That example shows a man asking nothing more of these men than to follow him. That would be too simple though, surely Jesus must have said "follow me and never listen to secular music." The idea that is conveyed when a church throws rules and commitments at people is "now you've received salvation, but that's not enough...its Jesus + <=== (insert word of your choice here.) Is it just me or is something very wrong with this picture? Church leaders are sometimes so scared to get close to people; scared that word might get out that they are human.
So, why does this idea bother me so much? Here's why: so often today there is this term used in new churches...they are trying to be "culturally relevant" to the 18-28 demographic. As a 21 year old that means me. The way most churches try to "reach" me is by having a light show during worship, having awesome multimedia ministries, singing (dare I use the word) secular songs during Sunday morning worship, using movie clips from the latest hit at the box office, taking a "coffeehouse" approach, and the list goes on and on. Based on this list though, they are assuming that the people in this demographic are dropping out of church purely because of aesthetics. It is their belief that giving Sunday morning service a face lift, or moving church to a different day of the week will bring me back in. There are tons of books on this stuff right now, its not all bad, but a lot of it addresses the symptoms of what I believe is a bigger problem. So, if there are any of you out there reading this that are pastors or ministers and are curious about how to more effectively reach this lost is one girl's opinion.
I honestly, don't care that much about what church looks like on any given day of the week as long as I have an encounter with God. I have a lot that I face during the week, I need church to not be another thing on my list of things to do. I need it to be a safe haven where I can give and be given to. I want a shepherd that will, without hesitation, walk along side me as we figure out the Christian walk. (key word "we", implying a sense of togetherness) I want a leadership team that doesn't have it all together; a team that is broken just like I am. I want to walk into a church that isn't "us" (leaders) and "them" (members). I want to be able to say "I have issues with church because I've been burned by it" and not be sentenced to exile for blasphemy. I want real relationships with people. Real community. Real-life, never gonna be the same again, I am never alone, I can blow it and still be loved back in, relational church. I want New Testament discipleship. I want to be taught to hear God's voice and presence in my life and use that as my compass in all things. I want people to know God through me. I don't want to scare hell into people but rather infiltrate their hearts with God's message of grace and redemption. I want a church that is filled with Christ's love, a place I belong...a place I wanna bring my twenty-something friends to. A safe place. An extension of the heart of Christ.
It's a lot, I realize that, but I don't think its impossible. I think its just a matter of figuring out how to move past the religion we have always known into relationship, first with God, and then with one another.
I don't have the answers, I don't have a model for what my ideal church would look like, but I know that most of the present-day churches are just not cutting it. I'm not scared to say that, I'm not even scared if it offends some who will read this...I feel very passionately about the church needing to change its view toward cultural relevance. I am tired of seeing my peers, people I care about fall through the cracks because no one is really looking at them, looking out for them...reaching them. This is for them.
Thanks for reading.
Posted by Unknown at 9:48 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Top 8 of '08
Every year, at about this time, with the new year rapidly approaching, I always find myself in a reflective state. So on this chilly December night I have decided to reflect on the top 8 best new music releases of 2008 (in my opinion at least).
Let the countdown begin....
#8 Spirit ~ Leona Lewis
(release date: April 8, 2008)
This girl has such a beautiful voice. She doesn't over-sing but sings the heck out of all her songs...which I think is a tough balance for a lot of singers. Other than the smash hit "Bleeding Love" my favorite song on her album is her current single, "Better in Time". I'm pretty sure you would have to be living under a rock to have not heard her, but if that is the case I highly recommend that you take a listen.
#7 Soul ~ Seal
(release date: October 31, 2008)
I haven't been a huge fan of all of Seal's former albums, but this one is a major exception. I really have a soft spot for throwback albums. To me, there is a difference between a "cover" album and a "throwback"album. I'm not sure that my opinion is accurate according to the music industry but oh well. I feel like a cover album is trying to redo old songs in new, fresh, present-day marketable versions. Whereas, a throwback album re-records old songs while still paying tribute the musical aspects that made them great by keeping them as part of the musical arrangements. Anyway, my top three songs on this album are "A Change is Gonna Come", "If You Don't Know Me By Now" and "Stand By Me". Good stuff.
#6 E=MC2 ~ Mariah Carey
(release date: April 15, 2008)
So, the whole world knows that Mariah Carey is just amazing no matter what. This album was no different. I go back and forth with her because I really like her classic hits from her early days, but I also really like her newer R&B stuff that she does now. She is one of those singers that you hear and know that God truly gave her that gift...there is no other explanation. Favorite tracks on this one are "Cruise Control" and "I Wish You Well".
#5 Bethany Presents Deluge (Live) ~ Deluge Band
(release date: March 4, 2008)
Worship is a huge part of my life. This is by a long shot one of THE BEST worship album I have ever heard (thus far). It is a live album and somehow they managed to record and mix it in such a way that you really feel like you were there...and more than that you "feel" the worship and the heart of it. It is really passionate and intense and I love that about it. I love all the songs but, my top picks are "I Need You", "Worshiping You", and "Whisper His Name". Seriously, if you haven't heard this one it is a MUST HEAR.
#4 Where the Light Is ~ John Mayer
(release date: July 1, 2008)
It's no secret that I am a big fan of John Mayer and I have to admit, its a little strange to me that he isn't in the #1 or #2 spot haha. It's ranking doesn't make it any less amazing though, it really is amazing. This album released at the beginning of July and I got to go see him in concert at the end of July. I was already excited to see him, but this CD just caused the anticipation to grow. This is a live CD that he recorded in December 2007 at the Nokia Theater. His concept for this show was to have three different artists in one show. All the artists, of course, being himself. The first is a set of his acoustic stuff, so its just him and his guitar. The second set is the John Mayer Trio which is his blues stuff. The final set is his entire tour band. My favorites from this live album are "In Your Atmosphere", "Bold As Love", and "Free Fallin' ".
#3 We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things. ~ Jason Mraz
(release date: May 12, 2008)
Out of all three of his albums this one has been my favorite. I think it has a lot of diversity, it isn't one of those albums where you feel like if you've heard the first 3 tracks there is no point in listening to the rest because it all sounds the same. He has his signature folk stuff, but also has some more soulful sounding tracks, as well as some really sweet ballads. My picks of of this one are "Lucky (feat. Colbie Caillat)", "Live High" and "Love For A Child".
#2 Gavin DeGraw ~ Gavin DeGraw
(release date: May 6, 2008)
I was not incredibly familiar with Gavin DeGraw's debut album, but this one...well I instantly became hooked. He has an incredible voice! He has so much soul, sometimes he seems like he belongs in a different era and I love people like that. Sometimes I feel cheated by being born in this era, it hasn't been all bad, there has been some really awesome stuff but, eras like the 50's. 60's and 70's...they were all about creativity. I think we've lost some of that in some markets. Anyway, this album is great. (I had the opportunity to see him live in October and he is even more amazing in person.) Top picks off of this one are "Next To Me (Wait A Minute Sister)", "I Have You To Thank", and "Untamed".
Okay, are you ready.....for my #1 pick??!?
#1 Not Without Love - Jimmy Needham
(release date: August 19, 2008)
So, in my last post I mentioned that I intended on doing a post about '09 Grammy Noms, but it doesn't look like that's gonna happen. I have tried to sit down and do it but the truth is '08 was not one of music's best years, there were some gems that I believe are on this list. Not all of them are noticed by the academy, but that's okay...they were mentioned here! haha.
Anyway, what makes it on your top list for '08 music releases?
2 days til Christmas! Hope you're all having a great week.
Posted by Unknown at 9:15 PM 1 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
A Little Of This, A Little Of That
My deepest apologies for not posting anything in December yet! It is already the 12th and I'm barely getting with the program. Anyway, BIG Update for me on the personal front; my job @ Berean Christian Store is coming to an end on January 31st. We received the news about a week ago that, due to some financial problems with the company, they had to close 6 six stores. 6 stores turned into 8 at the last minute to meet the required needs. Our store was the last, late addition to the list. Its sad and still hard to get used to in terms of discussing it with the very disappointed customers. As if the economic decline wasn't enough for these poor people, they get an automated phone call telling them that (in their words) "one of their favorite stores" is closing.
Today a customer was expressing their sadness about the store and my upcoming job loss and said "really puts a damper on your holiday season huh?" I have to admit, I was a little taken aback by her statement. I hadn't even thought of it that way. Lately, I find myself so caught up in the physical burdens of my daily life. Do you know what I mean? When it seems like all you can think about is job, finances, home, food, car expenses etc., I know Christmas is coming but I seem to have completely missed the magnitude of why we celebrate Christmas. It woke me up to the reality that no matter what happens, my hope and trust is in a currency that never diminishes in value. My hope and trust is in Christ. What else matters? I feel so silly that I still think my worrying can do something to make my problems go away, when I have THE Creator on the universe going before me in all I do. This was my light bulb moment.
I hope that you are not in the same place I was, but if you are I want to encourage you to not forget what this season is all about. And more than that, remember that it is not just this season. WE live for Him, in worship and gratitude..365...24/7. I know that we live in a time where we can't escape bad news. We are in a time where the stories you hear on the news are not about distant people..they are about people in our circles, maybe even us, real problems that are discouraging real people. With our hope in Christ we can't afford to waste another minute sulking or worrying. WE need to encourage and lift up one another. WE need to share the love of Christ with people who have no where to place their trust. WE need to realize why we celebrate Christmas. It is NOT about the "things" we "do" for one another that shows that we celebrate Christmas, it is in the relationship we have all the time that is a testimony to Christmas. Christmas is only where it began.
I wanna leave you with a video that my dad showed me, that since the news of my work situation as well as other things has really encouraged me. Like so many this year I am not in a place where I can give the gifts ("things") I would like to and that is what this video is about. Be encouraged...
For more info visit:
Oh, almost forgot...Grammy nominations came out last week and I have been meaning to sit down and share some of my thoughts and picks for my FAVORITE award show. Due to being crazy busy I haven't had a chance yet. But that's one thing that's coming.
And (prior to finding out about my job situation) I bought a laptop on "Cyber Monday" that should be coming soon. It has an integrated webcam so, I'm considering starting to do the occassional video post when I get it all figured out. We'll see.
I owe you some new Joshua pics soon.
Happy Friday Everyone! Enjoy your weekend! :)
Posted by Unknown at 12:38 AM 1 comments