On different occasions over the last few weeks, I feel as though I have been constantly reminded of the importance of people in my life. From different books or stories I’ve read, to something as simple as a song in a movie…the theme has been the same; People. A few weeks ago, I watched the old Streisand movie Funny Girl, and of course it features the classic song ‘People.’ I had heard the song before, but, for some reason this time the line “People who need people, are the luckiest people in the world,” stayed with me as though I was hearing it for the first time. Sometimes I feel like any type of “neediness” is viewed as a form of weakness, so much that we don’t want to admit our need for one another. The truth is, our strength is found in people and the role they play in our lives. In addition to the song, I also read a book (Wide Awake by Erwin McManus) that dedicated an entire chapter in how the greatest investment we can make in our lives is in people. What is really neat about all the little reminders was that prior to them, I had already wanted to write a post that was, in a way a celebration or tribute to all the people in my life. These are hard times that we live in, and second to God, people that He places around us to love and support us, is how we will get through the tough times. So, to the people in my life, I would like to say thank you. You all play different roles in my life, but without any one of you, my life would be lacking.
“Time goes by so fast; people go in and out of your life. You must never miss the opportunity to tell these people how much they mean to you” –anonymous
First, to my family: What can I say? At times it is you that sustain my very existence. It is your unwavering love and support that helps me know for certain, that no day, do I face alone. You are the biggest, tangible example of God’s love as at pertains to my daily life and sustenance. Standing alongside you I have no fear or doubt that we can’t make it through anything that is thrown our way. We have survived things that no one should have to, but together we have beaten the odds and will continue to do so. I am blessed to have such an anchored family. I can’t thank God enough for choosing all of us for each other.
Second, to my Berean Friends: How can I possibly describe you? You have all been there for me in your own individual, strange ways, but no matter what you have always remained a soft place to fall. I can’t tell you in words how much I value all of you and how grateful I am for each of you. It is because of you that work doesn’t really feel like “work,” instead it has become a home away from home.
Third, to my Living Faith Friends and Family: I thank God for placing you in my life, or placing me in yours or, however you want to word it. I’m blessed to know you. As broken as I was when I first met you, I was still welcomed with open arms. Please know that should the day come, I will do the same.
Lastly, to the few that have seen my process longer than most, who have seen me at my lowest and still want me around. To the people that stood by me when it would have been easier to bail. You know who you are; some have also fallen in lists above. It is my heart’s desire and prayer that no matter what, I can always look up and around and find you still there.
This is a pretty much covers most of the people in my life. With the fast-paced, hectic life we all live, it is easy to put off saying the things we feel on a regular basis. I encourage you to take some time today and tell someone in your life what they mean to you; let’s try to make it a goal to daily celebrate the people in our lives.
Happy Monday! Have a Good One!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Celebration of People
Posted by Unknown at 12:04 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Happy Birthday Daniel!

Posted by Unknown at 10:34 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Jimmy Needham-"Not Without Love"
So I felt bad that it has taken me so long to update this thing so really quick I'm gonna do a short album review. I figure if its something that I'm really enjoying and is speaking to me....why not share a good thing with all of you :) The album that I can't seem to take out of my CD player is Jimmy Needham's newest release "Not Without Love" It is kinda Jason Mraz-meets-Gavin DeGraw-meets-Jesus....
hahaha ok so I thought that was clever. (Who am I to say that Jason and Gavin haven't met Jesus they just don't relay it blatantly in their lyrics...music is God-breathed regardless of the vessels Christian or non-Christian label) Funny or not I think its pretty accurate. He has the "folky" kind of melodies and phrasing but musically he has this soulful edge, meanwhile his lyrics are explicitly spiritual. I can't choose a single favorite track but some of my favorites are "Hurricane," "Before and After," and "The Author." Beware of the last track "Not Without Love (Benediction)" contrary to what some initially thought...it is not one of the voices in your head it is Needham trying his hand at spoken word. The words are good...I just don't feel that he has a spoken word kind of voice. This record is a pretty big growth from his last album that was primarily folky. This was a much anticipated release for me and it was definitely worth the wait. His release date was pushed back from April 29th to August 19th...and it is finally here!
So this is one of the things I'm really lovin' these days....What's floating your musical boat lately???
*(Please note that I am currently working on a series of posts that I'm hoping will be worth the wait. Bear with me please I'm new at blogging)*
Posted by Unknown at 10:55 PM 1 comments