Sunday, November 1, 2009

Project Gratitude - Day 1

Today is November 1st and I have been absent from posting here for almost a month, there are a long list of excuses I can give you, but the bottom line is I just didn't. I have missed it and I am tired of missing I'm back! :) lol

So, to get things going I am challenging both you and I to a little something :) Now is the time of year when to do lists get longer, days seem to get shorter, and we all just hope to survive the holiday craziness...I'm proposing something simple; let's make Thanksgiving a lifestyle rather than a once a year holiday. I know we are all grateful throughout the year, but personally, its not a part of my daily life the way I would like it to be. It is not something I am proud of, but it is truth. How quickly would I run out of "the usual" things to be grateful for and have to start searching for more? How might my outlook on life be altered if I spent my day "searching" for things to be grateful for? I'm curious, so here is what I am challenging "us" to do:

For myself, I am going to try to do one blog post everyday (in addition to these daily posts, I will get back into blogging about all of the other fun random stuff :) I usually blog about) and in that post I will write 2 things: One thing (thing, place, experience etc.) that I am grateful for, and one person I am grateful for.

In your own way I challenge you to do the same :) If you want to share it as a comment that's fine, or maybe you wanna keep it to yourself in a journal, or maybe just tell someone what you're grateful for everyday. Maybe this can help us not get so bogged down by the business of heading into the holiday season...and if not...maybe its just a good thing to do.

Day 1 -

Today I am grateful for 64 colors and everything it has meant to me. It has been a huge creative outlet that has kept me "sane" (or nearly sane lol) a lot of the time. It has been such a gracious place for me to work things out and mostly it has been a place of tremendous growth for me. It has been my beginning, "beginning of what?" you might ask... I'm still figuring that out, but I feel it has been the start of something. I know without it I would have lost it at some point.

Today I am grateful, not for one specific person, but rather a whole group of My readers. :) You all inspire me to continue doing what I love. Writing is something I get so much joy out of and you all double my joy every time you let me take you along for the ride. So I am grateful for you and to you. Thanks for reading!