Monday, April 27, 2009

Miracles, A Song, Hope - Just Another Monday

Like so many people living in this time in history, I find myself praying for a miracle more often than I ever have before. In this time of recession, I too am unemployed and uncertain of what tomorrow brings. I have prayed that desperate prayer pleading and begging God that somehow an envelope slips into the mail with financial provision. I say that I trust that God will take care of me, but I often doubt that he will. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone on this one. I try not to always write about "heavier" stuff but, let's be real, we live in "heavy" times. Problems and burdens are not getting any lighter. Sometimes I find myself without hope. I'm a church kid, I know the right answers. I "know" that there is not a second that goes by that God is not with me, looking out for me. But somehow that doesn't seem to carry much weight when you can't seem to find the money to pay the bills that keep coming in. I "know" that there are so many people that are struggling more than I am. I "know" that I am blessed beyond anything I deserve...But still, I have days (more often than not) that I doubt and feel as though none of it is true.

Now, I can make a list of all the things in my life to be grateful for...roof over my head, food to eat, health, family, friends etc. But seems like its not enough. I still find myself searching for a grand display, a life-altering miracle.

Over the last several days I found my miracle. And it was nothing like I imagined it "should" be. I heard a song that I had heard many times before. It was Jeremy Camp's "I Still Believe". When I came across the song and looked up the words and took a better listen to it and I was amazed at what I found. Here is Jeremy Camp performing the song live a few years back (You need to pause the music playlist on the right before watching the video).

You're probably wondering how I found my miracle in this...I realized that my miracle, in its simplest form is that I still believe. It may sound funny, but with all that the last few years of my life have brought, I've had my share of bang ups, and set backs. Some that would cause most of us to give in to doubt. And many times I have, but I'm always brought back to my core, my faith, my life line. And regardless of all my doubt, fear, hurt, anger...and everything that comes along with difficult times...I still believe. I still have a God who looks beyond all of my brokenness that still looks at me with love and grace. "Even what I don't see..." He helps me believe.

All of this led to the new realization of an old truth...yes it is a miracle that after being jaded and confused I can still stand on my faith...but more remarkable than that is that God still believes in me! With all the mess that I am so much of the time, He still believes in me! Talk about a miracle!

As we continue to place our belief and hope in Him it opens our eyes once again to the truth that He believes in us. The battle then becomes believing what He believes about us. I don't know if this resonates with you in any way (I hope it does) but I still wanted to share with you what has been going on within me. I hope you're encouraged. It's so relieving to know that even when everything else around us says otherwise...God doesn't give up on us; no matter how broken.

Happy Monday!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Return Of The Missing ME

SO, again I find myself feeling the need to apologize for my lack of blogging. I really have no excuse. I have a lot of time on my hands right now and for some reason feel "distracted" by everything around me BUT my blog. I would like to think that thenegligence is over, but I have no guarantees.

Anyways, moving on, updates! (in no particular order)

Joshua is in the early stages of walking, which is one of the most exciting (and exhausting) things to experience with him.

I went on a job interview a few weeks ago, but did not get it, for reasons unknown to me. It seems to currently be working out okay because with my schedule WIDE open I am able to take advantage of an awesome opportunity to get away for a bit. Which brings me to the next one...

I will be flying alone for the first time in about a week and a half (and for only the second time in my life, the first I really don't remember, so lets be real, its my first time flyinghaha) to Northern California to spend some time with a friend. I'm really excited about it :)

Oh, here's a fun one. I completely missed Easter this year. "How?" you might ask...well its because I was nearly dying. (And yes, the word "dying" is a little bit of an embellishment.) The weekend of Easter I came down with what was quite possibly THE worst flu of my life. I really didn't think I was gonna make it...but all is well. I survived, but not without missing church on Easter...for THE FIRST time in my life haha.

Joshua will be one in exactly 3 weeks. It's insane.

And lastly, today marks the one week countdown to my 22nd birthday. Also insane. This year has just flown by.

Now, friends, I leave you with a few pictures to brighten your day :) Until next time!