Sunday, November 30, 2008

Letter To My Fellow "Church-ians" - Part II

So I'm back for the second part of my series on my "issues" (for lack of a better word) with church. If you missed Part I you can read it here. Okay, this one is a big one...

I am so tired of the church feeling that it is its rightful job to show people what the judgement of God is like. Have you ever experienced this: you're talking to a churched person and you state an opinion and they come out with their long list of reasons why you're wrong and they are right and how you're sinning against God blah blah blah. I know I have, and God help me if I have been guilty of it at times. I have a couple problems with this. First, the phrase "who died and made you God?" comes to mind haha. Who knows maybe they didn't get the memo that Christ rose again after he died and they really do think they're doing him a favor. Comical right? As if God couldn't handle His own judgement, they feel that any chance they get to show lost people the "way"they need to do it as a service to God. I am sooo incredibly bothered when people judge. Have you ever walked into a church service or function and felt the eyes of someone who thinks they are God's gift to us? They just look at you up and down...just waiting for something you do that they feel they do better. And BAM! poor unsuspecting you gets smacked with the judgement stick! And you, who were already having a really bad day, (bills come in but paychecks don't, you got in an argument with your spouse that morning, went to your car only to find a parking ticket and that it wouldn't start), end up feeling worse about yourself. All in a place where you are supposed to be finding restoration, grace, and peace. Maybe its never happened to you, but I've felt it and seen it happen so many times.

Secondly, they want so badly to get it, we are supposed to be an extension of the Father but, wow do we sometimes miss the point of what that means. That means we are to love in spite of faults and shortcomings...isn't that how Christ loves us? If you're going to claim to represent Christ's presence in your life at least get it a little bit right...not once does Christ call us to be a preview of what the throne of judgement will be like. Where do we get off thinking that we're doing God a favor. If anything we push His beloved away. We need to get it together we are doing more losing than saving when we do this. God help us.

To wrap it up, I want to say this: if you have been hurt or pushed away from the church because of the judgement you have felt in the past, I encourage you to forgive and give us another chance. Most of the time, (though its not an excuse) we judge others harshly only because it takes the focus off of how harshly we are constantly judging ourselves.

At the end of the day we all need saving and God sent His Only Son for all of us...none us are better than the next. The church needs to get this soon or else we will continue losing precious people who, like all of us, are in need of the exact opposite of judgement; love, grace, and acceptance. God doesn't have a performance measuring stick for us, so why would we then think that we need to have one for others? Replace the judgement with love and just watch the turnaround on a Sunday morning. People who come in dragging will leave feeling like they have enough grace to face the week ahead. Instead of feeling unhappy when you leave, you will leave with an indescribable joy. In other words we will return to being Christ's church. Give it a try. I promise, it is awesome to just love on someone that would otherwise be expecting judgement...but beware it could change their life...and yours ;-)

Until next time "Church-ians" :)
Have a great week

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy (kinda late) Thanksgiving!

A few things today, first the obvious Happy Thanksgiving. :) I was raised with the philosophy that we celebrate people and happiness all year long rather than save it all up for a special occasion. So, today really serves as a reminder to strive toward the practice of daily gratitude. Today has been special because I shared it with people I love and don't often get to spend time with. I feel that we should always appreciate the daily things we have to be grateful for...

I put the key in my car's ignition and my car starts.


= Gratitude.

My beautiful nephew smiles at me when he wakes up from a nap.


= Gratitude.

I lay down to go to sleep at the end of the night...still alive and breathing. Survival of another day.


= Gratitude.

I bake some cookies that come out extremely close to perfection. Success.


= Gratitude.

See the pattern? It should be our goal to live a life of gratitude for the little miracles we witness everyday, and for the miracle of people in our lives everyday. Just some of my Thanksgiving thoughts.

Second thing I wanted to share with you was a quick little update on baby Elijah. We found out that about a week ago he was able to go home to the nursery his parents made for him. HUGE MIRACLE = Gratitude!!!! He still has a tough fight everyday and is still in need of our prayers and support. His parents are staying strong in the hope and faith they have in Christ. Thank you for all your prayers and encouragement for this special family.

Lastly, I have a confession to apology really...I have been quite the inactive blogger lately. Truth is, like so many people, I have been having a pretty rough time in life lately and I have this fear that I'll come on here and post something that will only bum you out. That is sooo not my intention with this blog. My intention is to, someday, write in such a way that we are able to have active dialogue about various things in a fun and open manner. Anyway, blogging should be back to normal next week. I say next week because I work in retail and its a big weekend for us so I probably won't have time. So to all of you Black Friday shoppers be nice to the sales people, give them grace...we should train all year for the crowds of this weekend. Even with a declining economy people still go out and shop til they drop, So that's all. Happy Shopping to those of you who go out.

I hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving surrounded by the love of family and friends, and lots of new memories.

Since its a few minutes before Friday morning was your thanksgiving?? :)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Elevating Elijah - A Call To Prayer

I want to tell you about some very special people in my life whose story is weighing heavily on my heart and mind. During my time at Living Faith my brother and sister-in-law introduced me to an amazing couple that they instantly felt a heart connection with. Their names are Carlos and Jennifer. They can be described, in our family, as the kind of people you feel you've known all your life, aside from the fact that you've only just met. They are full of life and love; first for God and then for one another. They both have amazing families and it has been their desire to start one of their own. With the kind of love and joy that just flows out of them, having their first child seemed to be a perfect fit. I first found out that they were expecting at Guera's baby shower in March, earlier this year. We all shared in the excitement. Not too long after, Carlos and Jenn found out that their unborn son was having some problems. The doctors had more questions than answers, but still in faith, they continued to prepare for his arrival. Little Elijah was not due to be born until December, but for different health reasons, the doctors delivered him by C-section a little over a week ago.

Little Elijah was born a fighter. Since his birth he has brought immense joy (along with worry and concern), all the while still fighting. An even more amazing part of this story is the faith of his parents, by his side all the way...their faith being tested daily, but never faltering. Only God knows what will come of Elijah's fight, but we know that his mom and dad believe and trust that he is God's child first, and theirs second. I don't have many medical details but I know that this is a heavy burden they are carrying. They are surrounded by the love and support of family and friends.

I write all this to ask that you come along side and pray for the strength this precious family needs in the days that lie ahead. I call you to prayer for this situation. Please pray for God's will and the grace to accept whatever His will is. Please come together with me and my family as we elevate Elijah. May God gain all the glory.

Keep fighting Elijah. We love you...

**If you would like to write an encouraging note or prayer go ahead and leave it as a comment and I will print them out and make sure to get it to Carlos and Jenn. They can't get enough encouragement right now. Thanks**

Happy 6 Month Birthday Joshua!

Today my nephew Joshua Anthony has officially been in the world for 6 months. It doesn't seem like its been that long. I still so clearly remember the morning we got the call that Daniel had taken Guera to the hospital. Even clearer than that I remember seeing him for the first time. He hasn't stopped bringing joy ever since that day. So in honor of Joshua turning 6 months old I took some pictures of him today and would like to share them with you. I took quite a few, these are my favorites.

Dear Joshua,

I had no idea how much joy you would bring my life. Every day that I see you, you have learned something new and you always have a brand new thing that makes you laugh. I don't think I smiled nearly as much before you came into my life. I love that you have more personality and happiness than your body can contain. 6 months have just flown by. I love playing with you and you love playing even more, that's all you want to do right now. I have a blast feeding you your cereal in the morning and all days get off to a good start when I come down the stairs and see you. I am so thankful that God blessed our family with you. You bring so much joy to all of us. You are our very own miracle straight from the heart of God. I love being your auntie. Even more than that I just love you and I am looking forward to watch you as you continue to grow. I love you my precious nephew.

-Auntie Leslie

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Belief Is What We're Fighting For

I have been internally debating whether or not to address this issue, simply because I hate politics, but it is something that I feel strongly about so here it goes...

This past Tuesday night many were expecting to witness history. Intrigued by this, I watched as our new president-elect addressed the American people. In watching this I made a few observations: 1) he has an amazing speech-writer, 2) he definitely has a gift for public speaking, and 3) this one is the big one, the reason for this post:

As I watched the cameras film the crowd so many, many people were moved to tears, first at the news that Barack Obama won the presidency, and second at his appearance and speech that same evening. I was so deeply saddened while watching, not because of who will become the next president, but because of the look in the eyes of each person I saw. No one will deny that times are tough right now, as a nation and individually, more than anything people are filled with an overwhelming despair. They are looking for something - anything to believe in that will give them hope that all is not lost. The truth is Barack Obama was in the right place at the right time to seemingly offer people the hope they so deeply longed for. We know that at the end of the day he is human just like you and I. He will fall short, as we all do, he will disappoint these people that believe so strongly in him. God humbled and convicted me as I watched this and that is what I want to share with you.

As Christians we have the Bible that guides most of what we believe and at some point we all feel the need to impose these beliefs on others. I'm not saying that we need to be ashamed of what we believe, I just think we need to refresh our approach. Instead of preaching at people about who or what they should vote for, why didn't we (myself included) simply talk to them and tell them that in the midst of all the chaos surrounding us I have an unwavering peace? Why wasn't it us who were there at the right place at the right time to introduce them to the One true hope? I'm going to risk upsetting some but at the end of the day what does it matter who or what we vote for if at the end of that very same day people are living their lives outside the wonderful grace of God.

Things in the economy could get worse or they could get better, we don't have to sweat it because our hope is in Christ. Barack Obama could be one of the worst presidents in history, or he could be one of the greatest, we don't have to worry because our hope is in Christ. Life as we know it could end, why stress?...our hope is in Christ. Are you kinda getting the point?

People everyday are still looking for something to believe in. Something they can be a part of. Something so much bigger than themselves or their hardships. We have the answer for them, but instead we just tell them that they voted for the wrong candidate. We see and meet these people everyday, we are in relationship with the One they need, we NEED to step up and show them the path to Him. We NEED to tell them that the world could fall to pieces around us, but we know that All things work together for good, to those who love God. They NEED us to lead them to the cross, to the feet of Jesus where they can cast all their worry, stress, and concern and in exchange receive a peace that transcends all understanding. In the words of my dad " The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing"

I pray that God helps each and every one of us to be made aware of the people that He places in our path everyday that need Him. May we see the world around us through His eyes.

I encourage all of you to stay open to the hand of God that will lead you to be a light to the people that need Him. Because we all do. Can you imagine how you would be getting through these times without the hope of Christ? I just don't think I could survive, in fact I know I couldn't, so how can so many people?

Answer: They just haven't met Him yet. Make the introduction.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sunday Night Ramblings

I always feel so bad when a week goes by without at least one post on here, and its been over a week you can imagine how bad I feel. Well, I don't have any reason or rhyme to this post, its more impulsive than I normally am here on my blog, which can sometimes be a good thing ;)

So here's the quick update I will give as far as what I have been up to lately: Mostly I've been working, at least that's what it feels like. More hours means more money which is good, but things have been a little crazy lately. Retail + holidays approaching = crazy! This is my 3rd holiday season at Berean, time flies. I have learned to handle the chaos a lot better now then when I first started...I still have my moments though ha ha.

Anytime I haven't been at work I'm hanging out here at home doing some scrapbooking, researching propositions in preparation for election day on Tuesday, and my favorite....baking! I'm trying to figure out which recipes are going to make it on the Christmas gift list. I must say this year is going to be one of the best years for our baked goods gift baskets! I have learned a lot of new recipes this year. I'm so excited. So since I was a little kid I have always loved those sugar cookies decorated with icing all nice and pretty, but every time I have tried to make them either the cookie sucks or the icing sucks. This week I finally mastered the duo!!! I made the cutest Halloween cookies! The cookie was good and moist and the icing was amazing (and best of all didn't taste like cardboard boxes, like it has in the past). Here is the picture:

So, on Halloween I had to work, but Daniel and Guera brought Joshua by so I could see him in his costume...

Seriously, it doesn't get much cuter than that!! He was so adorable, and so unfazed by his costume. As you can see, he was a tiger. My mom says he looks like Hobbs from Calvin & Hobbs, which is cool because my brother used to read that comic strip and its a little nostalgic. He is getting so big, so fast. If I go even a day without seeing him it looks like he's grown. He is starting to eat baby cereal and soon will start on baby food which is very exciting for all of us :) He is still discovering his vocal ability. If he keeps it up there is a good chance that he will end up being a great singer like his mama and daddy. He also got a little jumper recently that he LOVES and is so hilarious in. He has so much energy, so the jumper has been a good way for all of us to get a rest. I'll try and take a video this week and post it, I guarantee you it will brighten your day! All he wants to do is play. It is so cute though. I can't imagine my life without him and he has only been around for not even 6 months.

During the recent news headlines about singer/actress Jennifer Hudson's family tragedy I have been realizing just how much I can't live without my family. In a matter of a couple of days she lost her mom, brother, and nephew. Without my parents, brothers, sister in laws, niece and nephew etc. I don't think I could go on. My prayers are still going out to her and her family. Take some time and tell the people you couldn't live without that you love them. To mine, I love you all and wouldn't even want to imagine a day without you. =)

Well, I better go get ready for the week. As always, thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings, I really appreciate it.

Oh also, what do you think of the music? Any suggestions for songs I should add that you would like to hear when you click on here? Let me know.

Have a GREAT week everyone!